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O firmie

Firma powstała w 1987 roku. Początkowo zajmowała się tylko sprzedażą i serwisem maszyn dla przemysłu spożywczego na terenie Polski. Wraz z rozwojem rynku i naszej firmy rozpoczęliśmy własną produkcję. Paleta urządzeń, które produkujemy ciągle się poszerza tak samo jak i rynki zbytu. Na chwilę obecną nasze maszyny pracują w ponad 20 krajach świata.

Ciągłe poszukiwanie nowych wyzwań i możliwości rozwoju doprowadziły do rozszerzenia oferty na inne branże takie jak rybołówstwo, budownictwo, lakiernictwo itd.


Nasza produkcja

Smoking chambers

Defrosting chambers

Steel constructions


Processing lines

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Chamber for grain smoking


We present pictures of the assembly chamber for smoking barley. the device is equipped with a trolley with a drum, which is rotated automatically during the smoking process so that the entire batch was evenly smoked więcej »

FOODTECH Bucarest 2016


As every year, we took part in the Fair in Bucharest, together with our representative, company STELAS CONSULTING więcej »

The New model of a 30 kg automatic smoker


We present pictures of the installation of our new model smokehouse. The device, with a capacity of approx. 30kg / cycle runs automatically. It is able to carry out all processes of thermal processing such .. więcej »

Smoking chambers 100 kg capacity installed in LegnicaBielsko-Biała


The smoking chambers with an input 100 kg mounted in a market in Bielsko-Biala. The plants are equipped with water filters smoke. Through the glass door process can be observed by the customers of the shop więcej »

Smoking chamber for cold and hot smoking of batch 50 kg in market,MoscowPyskowice


The pictures show our Smoking chamber KWGZ-50-E. The device is able to smoke hot and cold smoke. Smokehouse was also equipped with a module for visualization and archiving of all process parameters. więcej »

Smoking chmaber for cold air smoking


Smoking chamber for cold smoking the fish mounted on Lithuania. Single charge is 3 trolleys Chamber equipped with a system for cold drying and cold smoking. więcej »

Smoking chambers 100 kg capacity installed in Rzeszów


Photos of the installation of our smoking chambers KWG-80-E in a supermarket. The chambers are mounted on a stand, fish and meat. These devices are vending machines for smoking batches approx. 100 kg. Smoking chambers are also equipped with a .. więcej »

Fish smoke house ,30 kg, Smrock-Dwór


Here you can see the pictures taken during installation of the HOBBY2 smoker więcej »

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